02 June 2016

Cuộc sống của phụ nữ Châu Âu thời chiến tranh thế giới thứ 2

1. Women's Land Army our smile that carry a farm equipment across the fence. Women's Land Army (Women's Land Army), the women of the United Kingdom civil society organizations working in the place of farm to men who went to war during the First and second World War. 1916.
2. female police officers. 1916.
3. women to take over the traditionally luggage men was responsible in the United Kingdom in London, Marylebone station.
4. Women fire brigade to carry out training with a hose and a fire extinguisher. 1916.
5. women firefighters who surround the women of the Secretary. March 1916.
6. First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (First Aid Nursing Yeomanry: FANY) ambulance driver us. January 1917, France Curry.
7. women working in the machine shop. 1917.
8. Women bus tour conductor who headed become a column to the bus to be a workplace of the day today. September 1917.
9. woman mechanic to the speakeasy repair to the bottom of the car. 1917.
10. motorcyclists female British Army Air Corps across the Clyno Co. sidecar. 1916 circa.
11. female Army enlistment training landscape. 1917.
12. young woman, 1916 around working in the munitions factory.
13. propaganda poster
14. welding work at the munitions factory. 1915.
15. women porters who is in the United Kingdom London Marylebone station to wash the trucks of the railway the Great Central. 1914 circa.
16. two women to clean the road of London Chiswick. 1914.
17. women to produce the cartridges in the UK, Vickers's factory. 1915.
18. Nurse our Haworth Hall, which has been used as a Red Cross hospital. 1915.
19. United Kingdom of the industrial city Coventry, women to manipulate the wheelbarrow in an unfamiliar hand movements. 1917.
20. Two women-burning coal to the kettle to make a sugar refinery there was sugar in Scotland. 1916.
21. women to inspect the inside of the cartridges manufactured by the Vickers company. 1914.

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